Обычно мои английские топики могут заинтересовать разве что новое поколение лицеистов, которым не сильно хочется писать их самостоятельно) Но в этот раз нам дали особую и довольно важную для меня тему - The Russians. Может, поэтому, а может, на меня просто что-то нашло, как это часто бывает, у меня получилось размышление, которое захотелось сохранить и попозже обдумать еще раз.)
Сохраняю здесь, ибо из письменного стола все ценное странным образом испаряется))
The RussiansThe fact that in Russia slavery was abolished only about two hundred years ago has influenced the national character of the Russians greatly. The playwright Chekhov talked of his lifelong struggle "to sqweeze the slave out of me soul". Nowadays this struggle hasn't weakned at all. It demands great efforts to feel "free" in the right sense and to act and live as if you were free.
The Russians have seldom if ever respected the law or follow it. There is a national inclination to rely on "something turning up". In spite of the fact that we rather respect other nations who are dependable, reliable, hard-working and accurate, we still often consider them naive, poorly-educated and even stupid. We even regard their success as unjust.
The Russians would like to think that there is something special, even unique about them, that they can feel deeper, love stronger ad suffer more patiently than anybody else.
Infact I do believe that there have always been great examples of representatives of Russian nation. I mean those moral leaders who will always remain in our history as our pride and fame. But every nation has such leaders, haven't they?
The Russians are often thought about as generous and hospitable, friendly and inventive. Infact those foreigners who come to settle in Russia for a long time often get used to our way of life and even find it amazing.
Still I don't think we are easy to deal with as sometimes we are unpredictable and too inventive. One can't help agreeing that the Russians are patient, but is this the right patience which can really help to overcome all kinds of difficulties and sufferings? I'd rather think this is a patience which makes all theese sufferings endless. If only we could be more critical to ourselves and learn the lessons history has taught us better.
Пикник - Самый звонкий крик - тишина
только смелым покоряются моря
Мне бы их так писать!)
Вообще этот текст - мое мнение о своих соотечественниках, обычно я стараюсь избегать подобного, школа же. Долго думала, стоит это отвечать или нет)
Стоит =) Такого уж совсем я ничего не вижу)
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